This site is dedicated to Harvey Kurtzman,Wally Wood,Bill Elder,&Jack Davis and Spike Sr [ Spike's pappy ]. Without them the world would be a less funny place...although the sight of Fabio with a goose in his mouth does make me laugh quite a bit!!

Check out the bonus area above!

Rare Monster Magazines , Humor Magazines , Comics , Records , Autographs , and more!

Jane Doe...Jane Doe...It's off to work I go!


Please support our sponsor above. 50% of all profit goes to the Presidents legal defense fund. The rest goes to Hillary's. Send what you can...$10,000... 1 million dollars . Every little bit helps the Clinton's do the work of the American people.

Whut's Neu?

First the breaking news: We were the first to announce, in our Future Schlock section, that the President would have an affair with a Whitehouse intern , although we said it would be with an intern named Timmy. We predicted synthetic earwax [ April 3,1999 ] edible Depends [ March 14,1998] and we predicted that Yugo would stop production of their wildly successful automobile [ May,1,1997 ]. Now on to the current news.....This is the 6th attempt at publishing this damn website. Everytime we get it up,so to speak, it goes down,so to speak. [ Can you believe that we have been around in one form or another for over a year now? Do you give a damn? ] Our first server was down more than a Whitehouse intern snorting Viagra. Finally it croaked! The second server went belly-up within 2 day's of up-loading our files! The third one never accepted our passwords or returned our e-mails. The 4th one let us upload 2 pages,spluttered,farted,and then went out of buisness. Number 5 kicked us off!!! Never fear! We now have 4 more sites , each with features unique to that site plus the same ol' crap you see here. That way we improve our chance of being seen and run four companies out of business at once . There's enough stupid people and stupid stuff going on to fill each one with lot's of different crap! To be honest, the entire staff at "Spike's Frenzy" dislikes just about everybody and everything so the " Well of insults" will never go dry. We don't even like each other!!! Hey! one of the staff just flipped me off! Speaking of birds, Fabio fans [ and who isn't? ] may want to click on the "Fab 4" link below. It features some great unpublished photos of our favorite "hunk". Inside you will find some of my cartoons that was published in HOOT magazine [ and some that were not ]. Check out "Life's a Hoot" & "Feeding Frenzy" . HOOT now has their own website at so be sure to check them out. Now ya'all won't have to e-mail me for their address. Update: Oh wow! Yet another one of our servers went belly-up [ April 12th! ] Can you believe it? Geeeezzzz ! That's ok 'cause we are back at 4 sites again! Stay tuned! ~ Spike
I was thinking the other day about our original site , Bah! When the Monica thing broke I rushed out a " Got milk? " fake ad and promply put it on our site within a few hours of hearing the news [ and snatching an image from an internet news provider ] probably making us the first! Then I thought " Hey! That's a little too gross" and removed it an hour later. It wasn't long until " Slick Times " magazine had a similar image on their cover ! Now 10,638 websites has pretty much the same thing [ along with those annoying Dilbert links ] !
Our viewership has jumped to 200% above what it was back in March [ no , really ! ] I can't explain it! Could it be because we now have more sites? Could it be because we are promoting it? Could it be because we are lying? No! It's all true! Stop by and sign our guestbook.
We have visitors from all over the world [ and one from Pluto! ]!

Our friends in Japan leads with the number of visits followed by: Italy,Germany,Malaysia,Australia,Canada,Netherlands,Sweden,UK,Singapore,Israel,Belgium,Switzerland,Spain,Finland,Taiwan,France,Denmark,United Arab Emiritates,Norway,New Zealand,Peru,Philippines,Poland,Hong Kong,China,Iceland,Mexico, India,Chile,Russia,Macedonia,Scotland,Yugoslovia,Saudi Arabia,Norway,Slovenia,Lithuania,and of course we have lot's of hits from the good ol' U.S.A! Every country have 1 thing in common.....they all think this site stinks!

Update: After 5 weeks our old server is back from the grave , so I renamed this site Spike's Frenzy " Return of the living Dud " ! It is good to see them back though. That puts us up to 5 sites now with the same ol' crap that you , the viewers , demand!

Update: We are starting to put the the "bonus" stuff on each site. Check back at the main page at each site to see if it has the "bonus" link.

Visit all 5 Spike's Frenzy websites to find bonus stuff unique to that site!

Spike's Frenzy Site 1 [ Spike's Frenzy ]

Spike's Frenzy Site 2 [ Son of Spike's Frenzy ]

Spike's Frenzy Site 3 [ Revenge of Spike's Frenzy ]

Spike's Frenzy Site 4 [ Spike's Frenzy Strikes Back ]

Spike's Frenzy Site 5 [ Spike's Frenzy ~ Return of the living dud ]

Take me back to the main page!


News: We now have a couple hundred search links in our search area plus we also have free webspace listed there so you can put-up your own crappy humor site!

New feature: Do you have a Humor or Parody site? Get it listed here! Sorry! No x-rated stuff! Sign the guest book [ Main page ] and leave your site address [ and some kind words about our site....lie if you have to! ] or E-MAIL us . Your site will be listed in the " Favorites " section.

News flash!!!!!!!

Hey ! Clinton grabbed my ass !!!!

House Democrats reject proposal to erect former President Ronald Regan's head at Mt. Rushmore , instead opting to install President Clinton's . Barney Frank quotes " It would cost American taxpayers millions of dollars less, as President Clinton only requires a little head."

Famous meetings #1~ Dr. Kevorkian meets Al Gore

"Damn! I'm too late!"

Our Awards!

Oh wow! I found one of our old guestbook from the defunct Bah!/Future Schlock website [ Below ] ! Be warned! Don't click the "Take me back to Bah!" link. It don't work. Use the back button on your browser.

Rare Monster Magazines , Humor Magazines , Comics , Records , Autographs , and more!